We are delighted to have Paul & Monica Zanardo from the NCMI Apostolic Team as our guest speakers at our Sunday service. Church Leaders, Church Planters and authors, Paul & Monica bring a wealth of maturity and experience. Bring your friends and join us for our usual Sunday Service followed by coffee and cake in our café afterwards.
Paul is the Author of the Book Sons of Issachar which takes a deep dive into the life of Issachar and his kinsmen and how, in our day, we can become people of wisdom and believable, honest, applicable, know-how. People who know the seasons and know what to do. People who can prophetically reveal God's heart.
Monica is the author of (Re)finding Joy a book about why JOY matters, what it is, where it comes from and what God has to say about it. Nine JOY-busters are investigated, guiding principles are examined, and the objective of finding a profound and contagious JOY with which to run the race of life with strength and purpose, is uncovered.
This is service not to be missed!!